HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Welcome 2011.
I'm posting this now because I have plans and don't know if I'll be able to post at all during the day. (Technically it's December 31st right now so it counts.)
As 2010 comes to an end I find myself thinking about all of the things that happened in the last 365 days.
I lived on my own.
I graduated from college.
I went skydiving.
I went to Alaska (which encompassed a whole lot of list items)
and now I find myself questioning even more, What will I do next? and Who will I become?
So, in the spirit of self discovery I give you this question...
"How do you want to be remembered?"
This is what I would ask any person I interview... oddly enough, it's Jay-Z that comes to mind when I think of it but there you go...
So, with the start of a new year I invite you to think of this question yourself and maybe even be brave enough to post below.
When I'm gone I'd like to be remembered as a loving and loyal family member (daughter, sister, cousin etc.) who sought out the best in everyone and tried to remain optimistic about every situation. In my dream world, everyone on earth would remember me as a philanthropist, entertainer, and classic style icon who did things because they were right, not because they were popular. I want to be remembered for making a positive difference in the lives of everyone I've come in contact with, and for having fun and making the most the one life I was given.
Now let's hear from you...
Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
My Christmas Wish for You
I heard "May You Always" by Harry Harrison for the first time about a month ago and it almost brought me to tears. I immediately wanted to share it with everyone and I thought, given it's length that this would be the best forum to post. So, enjoy the day and here's my wish for you...
Here are the words, in case you want to follow along - or if one part speaks to you more than others...

Courtesy of: http://www.musicradio77.com/mayyou.html
I heard "May You Always" by Harry Harrison for the first time about a month ago and it almost brought me to tears. I immediately wanted to share it with everyone and I thought, given it's length that this would be the best forum to post. So, enjoy the day and here's my wish for you...
Here are the words, in case you want to follow along - or if one part speaks to you more than others...

Courtesy of: http://www.musicradio77.com/mayyou.html
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas fashion dilemma
I have absolutely no idea what outfits I'm going to be wearing for the next 3 days.
This makes me very unhappy because I feel like I'm not properly prepared for the holiday!!
Red and/or green
somewhat fancy but nothing overly formal
church, travel, and family appropriate
and of course, look halfway decent in it
what to do what to do....
This makes me very unhappy because I feel like I'm not properly prepared for the holiday!!
Red and/or green
somewhat fancy but nothing overly formal
church, travel, and family appropriate
and of course, look halfway decent in it
what to do what to do....
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
favorite christmas movie quotes
Here's an incomplete list of some of my favorite Christmas movies and my favorite quotes from those movies...If you have any to add please comment on the bottom! I'd love to hear your opinions.
Eloise at Christmastime: "I absolutely love Christmas!"
Home Alone: "Buzz your girlfriend... Woof!"
Home Alone2: "Kevin!! You spent $967 on room service??!!"
"Give this to Kevin... Give this to Kevin... Give this to Kevin...Kevin's not here... Kevin's not here..."
"Don't gimme that! You've been smoochin' wit everybody! Snuffy. Al. Leo. Little Moe, with the gimpy leg. Cheeks. Boney Bob. Cliff..."
Polar Express: "At one time most of my friends could hear the bell, but as years passed it fell silent for all of them. Even Sarah found one Christmas that she could no longer hear its sweet sound. Though I've grown old the bell still rings for me, as it does for all who truly believe."
Miracle on 34th Street: "I'm not just a whimsical figure who wears a charming suit and affects a jolly demeanor. You know, I... I... I'm a symbol. I'm a symbol of the human ability to be able to suppress the selfish and hateful tendencies that rule the major part of our lives. If... you can't believe, if you can't accept anything on faith, then you're doomed for a life dominated by doubt."
"Mr. Kringle is not concerned for himself, if he was he wouldn't be here. He is in this regrettable positon because he is willing to sacrifice himself for children. To create in their minds a world far better than the one we've made for them. If this is, as Mr. Collins suggests, a masquerade then Mr. Kringle is eager to forfeit his freedom to preserve that masquerade. To subject himself to prosecution to protect the children's right to believe. If this court finds that Mr. Kringle is not who he says he is, that there is no Santa, I ask the court to judge which is worse: A lie that draws a smile or a truth that draws a tear."
"I shall never forget you. In all my troubles past and all my troubles yet to come, I'll never find a better friend."
How the Grinch Stole Christmas: "And his fib fooled the child. Then he patted her head, he got her a drink and he sent her to bed. And when Cindy Lou Who was in bed with her cup, he crupt to the chimney and stuffed the tree up. Then he went up the chimney himself, the old liar, and the last thing he took was the log for their fire. On their walls he left nothing but hooks and some wire. And the one speck of food that he left in the house was a crumb that was even too small for a mouse."
"'If I can't find a reindeer then I'll make one instead.' So he took his dog Max, and he took some black thread, and he tied a big horn on the top of his head."
"And what happened next? Well, in Whoville they say that the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day. And then - the true meaning of Christmas came through, and the Grinch found the strength of *ten* Grinches, plus two!"
A Charlie Brown Christmas: "You DO think I'm beautiful, don't you, Charlie Brown? ... You didn't answer me right away. You had to think about it first, didn't you? If you really had thought I was beautiful, you would've spoken right up. I know when I've been insulted. I KNOW WHEN I'VE BEEN INSULTED."
"I never thought it was such a bad little tree. It's not bad at all, really. Maybe it just needs a little love. "
and of course...
"And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, 'Fear not: for behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.' And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.'"
Eloise at Christmastime: "I absolutely love Christmas!"
Home Alone: "Buzz your girlfriend... Woof!"
Home Alone2: "Kevin!! You spent $967 on room service??!!"
"Give this to Kevin... Give this to Kevin... Give this to Kevin...Kevin's not here... Kevin's not here..."
"Don't gimme that! You've been smoochin' wit everybody! Snuffy. Al. Leo. Little Moe, with the gimpy leg. Cheeks. Boney Bob. Cliff..."
Polar Express: "At one time most of my friends could hear the bell, but as years passed it fell silent for all of them. Even Sarah found one Christmas that she could no longer hear its sweet sound. Though I've grown old the bell still rings for me, as it does for all who truly believe."
Miracle on 34th Street: "I'm not just a whimsical figure who wears a charming suit and affects a jolly demeanor. You know, I... I... I'm a symbol. I'm a symbol of the human ability to be able to suppress the selfish and hateful tendencies that rule the major part of our lives. If... you can't believe, if you can't accept anything on faith, then you're doomed for a life dominated by doubt."
"Mr. Kringle is not concerned for himself, if he was he wouldn't be here. He is in this regrettable positon because he is willing to sacrifice himself for children. To create in their minds a world far better than the one we've made for them. If this is, as Mr. Collins suggests, a masquerade then Mr. Kringle is eager to forfeit his freedom to preserve that masquerade. To subject himself to prosecution to protect the children's right to believe. If this court finds that Mr. Kringle is not who he says he is, that there is no Santa, I ask the court to judge which is worse: A lie that draws a smile or a truth that draws a tear."
"I shall never forget you. In all my troubles past and all my troubles yet to come, I'll never find a better friend."
How the Grinch Stole Christmas: "And his fib fooled the child. Then he patted her head, he got her a drink and he sent her to bed. And when Cindy Lou Who was in bed with her cup, he crupt to the chimney and stuffed the tree up. Then he went up the chimney himself, the old liar, and the last thing he took was the log for their fire. On their walls he left nothing but hooks and some wire. And the one speck of food that he left in the house was a crumb that was even too small for a mouse."
"'If I can't find a reindeer then I'll make one instead.' So he took his dog Max, and he took some black thread, and he tied a big horn on the top of his head."
"And what happened next? Well, in Whoville they say that the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day. And then - the true meaning of Christmas came through, and the Grinch found the strength of *ten* Grinches, plus two!"
A Charlie Brown Christmas: "You DO think I'm beautiful, don't you, Charlie Brown? ... You didn't answer me right away. You had to think about it first, didn't you? If you really had thought I was beautiful, you would've spoken right up. I know when I've been insulted. I KNOW WHEN I'VE BEEN INSULTED."
"I never thought it was such a bad little tree. It's not bad at all, really. Maybe it just needs a little love. "
and of course...
"And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, 'Fear not: for behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.' And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.'"
Monday, December 20, 2010
black swan

I saw Black Swan tonight and I was blown away. I feel like I didn't blink the whole time I was watching; it was absolutely riveting. Natalie Portman was unbelievable and Mila Kunis was terrific too!
I haven't decompressed yet to be able to give a review but my recommendation is to absolutely go see it!
Photo courtesy of: http://www.screenaddictsshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/black-swan-natalie-portman-version-1.jpg
Saturday, December 18, 2010
don't do these... especially during holiday shopping
Please don't do these...especially during the holiday shopping season...
When people come to pick you up and they beep - this is twofold. You should know what time they're coming and be ready by the door so they don't have to wait. They should have the patience and courtesy not to rush you when they know you're coming.
People without phone manners are insufferable. Even worse? People who don't return phone calls.
If you bump into me while we're shopping, just say you're sorry. Please don't give me an evil look like it's my fault, and please don't pretend like it didn't happen.
Nothing good can ever come of telling someone who is angry with you to "Calm down." Seriously, it's like a fire starter to me, you're in big trouble if you ever do. Ask my brother.
Please don't cut the line. We all know that you know you did it and it's just plain mean, especially at this time of year.
Elevators are confined spaces, not everyone wants to hear all about your divorce settlement of the doctors visit you just had. Keep conversations - on the phone or with someone there- to a lower volume. The ride is only going to last a few minutes anyway.
Parking spaces are like buried treasure. You work hard to find them and if someone steals it from right under your nose, you're going to be pissed. Be respectful and find your own space, don't steal.
If someone is waiting for your spot, please don't take a year and a half to load your car. It's unnecessary and we know you're just trying to piss us off.
Pedestrians - another twofold concern. If you are walking and someone is waiting for you to go by, put a little pep in your step. If you are driving and people are waiting to cross, let them. It's cold out and they're packages are probably heavy.
Have anything to add? Comment down below!
When people come to pick you up and they beep - this is twofold. You should know what time they're coming and be ready by the door so they don't have to wait. They should have the patience and courtesy not to rush you when they know you're coming.
People without phone manners are insufferable. Even worse? People who don't return phone calls.
If you bump into me while we're shopping, just say you're sorry. Please don't give me an evil look like it's my fault, and please don't pretend like it didn't happen.
Nothing good can ever come of telling someone who is angry with you to "Calm down." Seriously, it's like a fire starter to me, you're in big trouble if you ever do. Ask my brother.
Please don't cut the line. We all know that you know you did it and it's just plain mean, especially at this time of year.
Elevators are confined spaces, not everyone wants to hear all about your divorce settlement of the doctors visit you just had. Keep conversations - on the phone or with someone there- to a lower volume. The ride is only going to last a few minutes anyway.
Parking spaces are like buried treasure. You work hard to find them and if someone steals it from right under your nose, you're going to be pissed. Be respectful and find your own space, don't steal.
If someone is waiting for your spot, please don't take a year and a half to load your car. It's unnecessary and we know you're just trying to piss us off.
Pedestrians - another twofold concern. If you are walking and someone is waiting for you to go by, put a little pep in your step. If you are driving and people are waiting to cross, let them. It's cold out and they're packages are probably heavy.
Have anything to add? Comment down below!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
muppet outtakes
I'm currently following a terrific blog called A Cartoon Christmas.
Yesterday's post was about Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas and a hilarious Muppet outtake video was at the end of the post.
There are 2 things I love about this:
1. Outtakes and Bloopers are my favorite part of any DVD or movie
2. I have never seen puppet bloopers, let alone Muppet bloopers and they're great.
I'll include it here but I highly suggest that you go searching for more Muppet bloopers because they're really a treat.
Yesterday's post was about Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas and a hilarious Muppet outtake video was at the end of the post.
There are 2 things I love about this:
1. Outtakes and Bloopers are my favorite part of any DVD or movie
2. I have never seen puppet bloopers, let alone Muppet bloopers and they're great.
I'll include it here but I highly suggest that you go searching for more Muppet bloopers because they're really a treat.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
sunday sundries
apologies again for the delay but I have a few random things I thought I'd post for today before I get back to wrapping presents...
Yesterday, I found out that True Blood's Marianne and Lorena were in back to back episodes of Alias approximately 5 years ago! How weird is that ?
The Daily Show should be required television for every American of voting age. I'll admit that I don't watch it on a consistent basis, but this clip really hit home with me.
The Disney store is having great sales on stuffed animals! ( I LOVE stuffed animals)
Does anyone know if the Vampire Diaries is any good? That one brother is really cute and I trying to decide if the rest of the show is worth my time.
and... I'm trying to bring myself back to phase 1 of south beach, it's a slow process.
Any ideas for posts in the future? Anything you'd like to see me write about ?
apologies again for the delay but I have a few random things I thought I'd post for today before I get back to wrapping presents...
Yesterday, I found out that True Blood's Marianne and Lorena were in back to back episodes of Alias approximately 5 years ago! How weird is that ?
The Daily Show should be required television for every American of voting age. I'll admit that I don't watch it on a consistent basis, but this clip really hit home with me.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Lame-as-F@#k Congress | ||||
www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
The Disney store is having great sales on stuffed animals! ( I LOVE stuffed animals)
Does anyone know if the Vampire Diaries is any good? That one brother is really cute and I trying to decide if the rest of the show is worth my time.
and... I'm trying to bring myself back to phase 1 of south beach, it's a slow process.
Any ideas for posts in the future? Anything you'd like to see me write about ?
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
glee christmas

We all know that I'm not a fan of Glee but I honestly have to say that tonight's holiday episode was FANTASTIC.
I didn't focus too much on Rachel's ridiculous lip singing and aside from the scene on stage where she tried to get Finn back, there wasn't a lot of extra stuff that made me want to gag.
The stories were all so sweet and the music didn't feel forced.
I know I'm a sucker for a holiday special but I honestly thought this one was a really great way to get in the holiday spirit!
When it comes out on hulu.com I highly recommend taking the 45 minutes and watching it. I promise you'll walk away with a smile, if not a tear in your eye.
photo courtesy of: http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENUS274&=&q=sue%20as%20the%20grinch&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=1280&bih=575
Monday, December 6, 2010
Jackie O

I must apologize for my long absence, there really is no excuse except laziness. I promise to be more conscientious in the future.
For today's topic, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. I recently mentioned her in my "Sundries" post because I was reading "Are you a Jackie or a Marilyn?" by Pamela Keogh. I finished the book last week and I really loved it. As it turns out I am very clearly a Jackie and I'm impatiently waiting for my darling Becky to finish so we can compare notes. (She's very much a Marilyn in my opinion) The only thing I found that Jackie and I disagreed on was money. Keogh wrote that perhaps because Jackie came from money, she was not exactly generous in giving it away. I hesitate to criticize the great Jackie in any way, but I would say that though I don't have that much personal wealth I find myself loaning or giving it away if someone needs it.
I highly recommend the book because it's a really quick read and I truly felt like I could be as glamorous as both Jackie and Marilyn with just a little bit of effort. (I really am too lazy anyway) For me, Jackie led her life with such grace, poise and elegance that one can only try to emulate it. Her style was so classic and she just oozed perfection; her family was her first priority and though not overtly sexual she had men eating out of the palm of her hand.
Ironically, my latest issue of Vanity Fair came in the mail today and one of the feature articles was about Jackie in her working years. I can't wait to devour the article, though with the preparation I've gotten from Keogh's book I'm sure I'll have a grasp of some of the facts already. So, if you're looking for a Christmas gift for the glamour girl in your life, consider "Are you a Jackie or a Marilyn?" It really is for any girl who may be looking for a little sparkle in her life.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
I just want to take a moment before the day officially starts to give thanks. I'll start with a quote that really means a lot to mean for it's simplicity and meaning.
For each new morning with it's light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, For love and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I am so thankful for all I've been blessed with and as always, my family tops the list. I am grateful that I live in an environment that allows me to update the internet about my life any time I want. I am grateful that so many people in my family know how to cook so well :) I am grateful for all the friends I've ever made, whether we still speak or not, the relationships were worth having at some point. I am grateful for my optimism and compassion because I believe these were feelings I was born with and that I've nurtured. I'm grateful for the amazing educational opportunities I've had, I know they'll help me in the (hopefully near) future.
There are so many more things that I'm thankful for but the purpose of this post is not to list them all, it's to inspire you to take a look at your life and think about what you have. Anything that could be taken away from you is a blessing, because you still have it. Remember that when you get down on yourself and be thankful for even the smallest of blessings. And, as a final show of gratitude, I found this poster online and it really brought me some perspective...
image courtesy of: http://posters-for-good.tumblr.com/post/542977597/if-you-have-food-in-your-fridge-clothes-on-your
For each new morning with it's light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, For love and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I am so thankful for all I've been blessed with and as always, my family tops the list. I am grateful that I live in an environment that allows me to update the internet about my life any time I want. I am grateful that so many people in my family know how to cook so well :) I am grateful for all the friends I've ever made, whether we still speak or not, the relationships were worth having at some point. I am grateful for my optimism and compassion because I believe these were feelings I was born with and that I've nurtured. I'm grateful for the amazing educational opportunities I've had, I know they'll help me in the (hopefully near) future.
There are so many more things that I'm thankful for but the purpose of this post is not to list them all, it's to inspire you to take a look at your life and think about what you have. Anything that could be taken away from you is a blessing, because you still have it. Remember that when you get down on yourself and be thankful for even the smallest of blessings. And, as a final show of gratitude, I found this poster online and it really brought me some perspective...

Monday, November 22, 2010
I LOVE my giants but sometimes I want to punch Eli Manning in the face.
ps. my grand total is up to 6 pounds - cool - i haven't had any carbs or sugar for 2 WEEKS and I lose 6 pounds???!?!?!?!!! this.is.brutal.
ps. my grand total is up to 6 pounds - cool - i haven't had any carbs or sugar for 2 WEEKS and I lose 6 pounds???!?!?!?!!! this.is.brutal.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
just went to see unstoppable. as if my obsession with chris pine needed to grow any more... the first opening scene is the PERFECT way to draw me into any movie. I don't care what it's about, if you do that to me again, I will pay $12 to watch it. Thank you Tony Scott for that sequence. Also, thank you for recognizing the phenom that Mr. Pine is, and recognizing his talent, not just the eyes that I can't seem to stop staring at. :)
seriously... it's not even fair.

photo courtesy of: http://screencrave.com/tag/chris-pine/
seriously... it's not even fair.

photo courtesy of: http://screencrave.com/tag/chris-pine/
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Holiday Specials
I love holiday specials...
It started with The Great Pumpkin and Scared Shrekless, then all of my favorite sitcoms and TV shows did Halloween episodes. Now that we're encroaching on thanksgiving it's become acceptable for Christmas commercials to air and I couldn't be more excited! Tonight I enjoyed Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving and it put me in such a festive mood. I think what makes me most happy about these things is that other people are watching the same thing as me at the same time! It means I'm not the only one in the holiday spirit and it means that the station heads are acknowledging that people want to gather together and celebrate the holidays - year after year. It's a national acknowledgment of our national holidays- where sometimes we're moving too fast to appreciate the reason we have a day off from work.
Tonight we were told to expect ABC's next holiday special on December 7th, when Prep & Landing will air followed by Charlie Brown's Christmas. I'm sure we have many more to look forward to on network television; not to mention the countdowns on cable TV. The Hallmark channel has already started airing Christmas movies beginning at 4pm everyday and ABC Family's Countdown to the 25 days of Christmas begins this weekend. Like I said, I have the holiday stamina to enjoy this until January, but I can understand those who would be a little overwhelmed. My best advice would be to enjoy the season and all of the things it brings to you. We often wonder why Christmas spirit can't last all year long, but with this extension to mid-November it looks like it's heading in that direction. As long as the heart of the spirit stays true, we have nothing to worry about but enjoying the beauty of the holiday season.
The thing I love the most about the Charlie Brown specials is that they haven't changed in 40 years. When my parents were sitting with their families watching it they were enjoying it just as much as my brother, sisters and I love it. These specials also start traditions - another thing I love- because as a jobless 22 year old, it's nice to settle back into the things that were important when I was 6. I have a lot more to say on this topic but it's mostly personal stuff that would bore you - so if you're interested, send out a comment and I'll fill you in but in not... here's my parting message, in an image as a picture really is worth 1,000 words.
photo courtesy of:
It started with The Great Pumpkin and Scared Shrekless, then all of my favorite sitcoms and TV shows did Halloween episodes. Now that we're encroaching on thanksgiving it's become acceptable for Christmas commercials to air and I couldn't be more excited! Tonight I enjoyed Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving and it put me in such a festive mood. I think what makes me most happy about these things is that other people are watching the same thing as me at the same time! It means I'm not the only one in the holiday spirit and it means that the station heads are acknowledging that people want to gather together and celebrate the holidays - year after year. It's a national acknowledgment of our national holidays- where sometimes we're moving too fast to appreciate the reason we have a day off from work.
Tonight we were told to expect ABC's next holiday special on December 7th, when Prep & Landing will air followed by Charlie Brown's Christmas. I'm sure we have many more to look forward to on network television; not to mention the countdowns on cable TV. The Hallmark channel has already started airing Christmas movies beginning at 4pm everyday and ABC Family's Countdown to the 25 days of Christmas begins this weekend. Like I said, I have the holiday stamina to enjoy this until January, but I can understand those who would be a little overwhelmed. My best advice would be to enjoy the season and all of the things it brings to you. We often wonder why Christmas spirit can't last all year long, but with this extension to mid-November it looks like it's heading in that direction. As long as the heart of the spirit stays true, we have nothing to worry about but enjoying the beauty of the holiday season.
The thing I love the most about the Charlie Brown specials is that they haven't changed in 40 years. When my parents were sitting with their families watching it they were enjoying it just as much as my brother, sisters and I love it. These specials also start traditions - another thing I love- because as a jobless 22 year old, it's nice to settle back into the things that were important when I was 6. I have a lot more to say on this topic but it's mostly personal stuff that would bore you - so if you're interested, send out a comment and I'll fill you in but in not... here's my parting message, in an image as a picture really is worth 1,000 words.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
sundries: pl.n. Articles too small or numerous to be specified; miscellaneous items. (via answers.com)
Just a few things that have been on my mind lately...
Just a few things that have been on my mind lately...
- I was out shopping today, with Mom, and at The Container Store, I officially decided that in terms of wrapping paper, the cuter, the better. I wanted to buy ALL of it but each roll was $9 and there was only about 12 feet of paper. Adorable stuff though, honestly, if you only have a few small things to wrap I would totally consider it.
- My teeth were filed today. It didn't exactly hurt, but I definitely don't want to do it again. To make a long story short, I did what the orthodontist told me - wear your retainer at night. This is an interesting instruction because you have to wonder - For how long? 1 year? 2? Well, it's been YEARS more than 4 that I've been doing this. Now, I definitely was not the most conscientious while I was at college but the retainer went in at least once a week. If there was any shifting, it was fixed when I put it in. The problem now is that no matter how many times in a row I do wear it, one missed night results in crooked teeth! So, does this mean that I need to wear a retainer EVERY night for the rest of my life? Sound a little crazy to me... what about you?
- Gift Ideas: BARNES AND NOBLE!!! If you are totally lost on what to get someone for any holiday, or their birthday this is the place to go. Of course, in my shopping, I visited the store today and I've decided that if you wander around for long enough, you will find something for everyone on your list. Babies, grandparents, teachers - everyone will be taken care of! Just have a little patience and remember you're in the presence of one of the greatest gifts humans ever came up with.
- As a side note to Barnes and Noble, if you look at a bookstore like a history buff (like me) does, you will see a much deeper meaning to what's in front of you. No, not the countless history books. The social history is astounding. What's new this week indicates where are attentions are whether it's the latest political theory book, or a new children's book. The increased size of the "supernatural teen romance" section clearly indicates the recent obsession with vampires. You can find what actors are popular, which sports stars are big, and even maps of the way the world is right now. I think that is SO fascinating. (go ahead, laugh)
- As another side note to Barnes and Noble, I was there getting a gift, and buying "Are you a Jackie or a Marilyn" by Pamela Keogh for the newly formed book club between the fabulous Becky Smith and myself. She is not a follower of this blog, nor do I believe that she checks it - if this is not true BSmith, you know what to do ;) This book is totally to my taste and I've already finished the first chapter. I'm so excited to delve into it although I pretty much can guess who I am - as I'm sure many of you can... care to put that guess into writing? Comment!
- My dad writes the best cards :) (and my mom can pick a gift like it's nobody's business) They just gave me a small gift for keeping things under control while they were in Italy and the words in the cards mean just as much as the gift does - even though the gesture is totally unnecessary. (but very much appreciated!)
- I'm sure many of you who have actually put effort into dieting know this already, but, it is REALLY hard. While we were shopping, we stopped in the food court for lunch. We managed to stay on task but at the salad shop I went to, the lady put a little roll on my tray and I said, "No, you can keep that. I wish I could have it but I can't" Heartbreaking.
- What's with everyone loving Siberian Huskys lately?? My mom got a catalog from Loft and they're all over it. I've seen them in a few other mags too! I was totally on this trend years ago... right Val Perrault??
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree
The Christmas Tree went up in Rockefeller Center yesterday! I'm not trying to rush any of you into an early Christmas frenzy, or God forbid - skip Thanksgiving, but it is exciting. It's a sign that the holiday season is here and we should start getting into it. The television special is something I look forward to every year even though it's a little underwhelming in the performance sphere. Any television holiday special makes me happy, really. (but that will be another post) So, for those who don't know, here are some facts about the Roc Center tree.

Info and first photo courtesy of http://www.nyctrip.com/pages/index.aspx?pageID=1035 .
Second picture courtesy of @rockcenternyc on twitter.

- The Tree Lighting Ceremony will be on Tuesday, November 30th from 7-9pm this year.
- The first formal Rockefeller Center Tree was put up in 1931.
- The first lighting of the Rock Center Tree was in 1933 and broadcast on NBC radio.
- In 1936, two trees were lit and the skating rink became part of the ceremony.
- In 1942, three trees were used. One was red, one white, and one blue in support of the troops.
- The Kate Smith show was the first place the tree was lit on national TV in 1951.
- In 1966, the first foreign tree was used. It was from Canada.
- The largest tree ever used was in 1999. It was 100 feet high, 100 years old, and 10 tons.
- 2004 was the debut of the Swarovski star. It has 25,000 crystals.
- Traditionally, the tree is a Norway Spruce.
- This year's tree is from Mahopac, New York, weighs 12 tons and is 74 feet tall.
Info and first photo courtesy of http://www.nyctrip.com/pages/index.aspx?pageID=1035 .
Second picture courtesy of @rockcenternyc on twitter.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Happy Veteran's Day!
Today should get much more recognition than it does. The veterans are an incredible important part of our country's history and heritage and we do not give them enough honor and respect for the job they do. Think about it, if someone tried to attack you on the street and a good Samaritan came up and fought for you what would you do? I'm sure there would be some attempt to repay them for their kind service. Now imagine that that same good soul was willing to die for you in this fight. They don't even know you but they're willing to give their life to protect you. That's what our soldiers are doing and they are not thanked enough for it, what's worse - many of our brave soldiers are now homeless and living on the street. What kind of repayment is that?
I will be the first to admit I'm guilty of this. Today I went shopping and then I worked. The day passed without any recognition except these thoughts in my mind. I can try to lie to you and say I feel good about putting money into the economy and blah blah. Not true, I feel guilty that I didn't do anything to recognize the service these great men and women did for us. From now on, I'm going to make a conscious effort to do something good on this day. It's not a free holiday, countless soldiers died for it. Let's honor it.
~go to a Veteran's Day parade and cheer your heart out.
~volunteer at a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, or veteran's hospital
~write and send a letter to the troops
~make a holiday gift box for a service member - even if you don't know one
~visit and clean up a veteran's cemetery
~and by all means, WHENEVER you see a soldier, thank them for their efforts
I will be the first to admit I'm guilty of this. Today I went shopping and then I worked. The day passed without any recognition except these thoughts in my mind. I can try to lie to you and say I feel good about putting money into the economy and blah blah. Not true, I feel guilty that I didn't do anything to recognize the service these great men and women did for us. From now on, I'm going to make a conscious effort to do something good on this day. It's not a free holiday, countless soldiers died for it. Let's honor it.
~go to a Veteran's Day parade and cheer your heart out.
~volunteer at a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, or veteran's hospital
~write and send a letter to the troops
~make a holiday gift box for a service member - even if you don't know one
~visit and clean up a veteran's cemetery
~and by all means, WHENEVER you see a soldier, thank them for their efforts
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Vanity Fair
I love Vanity Fair magazine. The pictures are gorgeous, the articles are intellectual, and even the ads are great to look at. The only problem I have is that it takes me almost a month to read the whole issue. It feels like a waste to throw it out without reading everything inside, especially for such a bulky, expensive magazine. My holiday issue arrived today and I'm so excited to look at it, and then actually read it. But, I probably won't finish it until next May :)
What about you? Does anyone else feel this way? Do you get rid of your magazines after you see what you want? Or, do you save them even when you finish reading them?
What about you? Does anyone else feel this way? Do you get rid of your magazines after you see what you want? Or, do you save them even when you finish reading them?
Sunday, November 7, 2010
South Beach Day 1: D-Day
D-day is upon us my friends... yes, diet day. As it is now midnight, EST I vow to eat no carbs for the next 2 weeks. I will try my very hardest to pay strict and careful attention to what enters my body, and the exercise I attempt. It's going to be a long hard 14 days full of headaches, cravings and perhaps even a little hypoglycemia but it will be worth it in the end when I've detoxed, nixed my cravings, and lost anywhere from 7-13 pounds.
So, I'm going to bed now to rest up for my day in the trenches. (and the grocery store - I need to be fully prepared)
Goodnight everyone! Wish me luck! xo
So, I'm going to bed now to rest up for my day in the trenches. (and the grocery store - I need to be fully prepared)
Goodnight everyone! Wish me luck! xo
home videos
In addition to the things listed in the last post, I'd like everyone to try and bring back their old home videos. Priceless hours of entertainment are sure to follow. Today I watched my parent's wedding video and I was cracking up the whole time. After they joined me, they mentioned how sad it was to see the tape and know how many people had passed away. This is totally not the point. I was watching to see not only those people in a happy light, but everyone I know now, before they knew me. If your parents have one, whip it out, I guarantee some laughs.
Later in the afternoon, my sister, brother, and I watched tapes from Christmas in 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005. We nearly got stomach cramps from laughing so hard. Between how high pitched and squeaky my brother's voice was, and how bizarre my sister was (and still is - now we know why) we thoroughly enjoyed the hours spent watching Christmases past. We've never watched these tapes before and it is hilarious to see things you never knew, or never realized were happening while paper was thrown around the room.
One year, Shauna, my sister, snuck up behind the camera and flashed every single one of the Beanie Babies she got right in front of the camera lens. No one else in the room noticed but on film it was priceless.
As much as they are funny, I really appreciated the chance to hear some of my loved ones voices again. I love the pictures I have of my grandparents, and my uncle from some of the good times we had but I promise you nothing compares to hearing their voices again. It's a very sentimental, if bittersweet treat. Watching my Uncle Mike talk to me about our favorite movies is a moment I'll cherish forever, now that I've seen it on tape.
So, I strongly suggest, as the holidays come upon us and families are gathering, screening your home movies as entertainment. Your cousins, grandparents, and whole family will enjoy them and then no one will fight over which football game to watch.
P.S. Speaking of football... GO GIANTS!! 41-7
Later in the afternoon, my sister, brother, and I watched tapes from Christmas in 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005. We nearly got stomach cramps from laughing so hard. Between how high pitched and squeaky my brother's voice was, and how bizarre my sister was (and still is - now we know why) we thoroughly enjoyed the hours spent watching Christmases past. We've never watched these tapes before and it is hilarious to see things you never knew, or never realized were happening while paper was thrown around the room.
One year, Shauna, my sister, snuck up behind the camera and flashed every single one of the Beanie Babies she got right in front of the camera lens. No one else in the room noticed but on film it was priceless.
As much as they are funny, I really appreciated the chance to hear some of my loved ones voices again. I love the pictures I have of my grandparents, and my uncle from some of the good times we had but I promise you nothing compares to hearing their voices again. It's a very sentimental, if bittersweet treat. Watching my Uncle Mike talk to me about our favorite movies is a moment I'll cherish forever, now that I've seen it on tape.
So, I strongly suggest, as the holidays come upon us and families are gathering, screening your home movies as entertainment. Your cousins, grandparents, and whole family will enjoy them and then no one will fight over which football game to watch.
P.S. Speaking of football... GO GIANTS!! 41-7
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Let's Bring Back
I heard about this book, "Let's Bring Back" a few weeks ago and it immediately went on my Christmas list. I'm fascinated by things from an earlier time, as evidenced by my Emily Post encyclopedia and the Pen Pal relationships I formed this summer with some far away friends.
In an ironic twist, as I was catching up on my Twitter feed (@erinbridget88) today I found a link to this article which has excerpts from the book. Little did I know that it was a Huffington Post columnist, Lesley M. Blume who penned my latest Must Read.
I highly recommend at least reading the article. Huffington Post does a fantastic job of breaking everything down into slide shows with pictures so even those with the shortest of attention spans can follow through.
My favorite "Bring Backs" from her article are:
Hats on Men
Manners (obviously)
Hand Written Thank You Notes (again, obviously)
Libraries - both public and private
Good Posture
Sunday Roasts
Supper Clubs
Game Nights
In an ironic twist, as I was catching up on my Twitter feed (@erinbridget88) today I found a link to this article which has excerpts from the book. Little did I know that it was a Huffington Post columnist, Lesley M. Blume who penned my latest Must Read.
I highly recommend at least reading the article. Huffington Post does a fantastic job of breaking everything down into slide shows with pictures so even those with the shortest of attention spans can follow through.
My favorite "Bring Backs" from her article are:
Hats on Men
Manners (obviously)
Hand Written Thank You Notes (again, obviously)
Libraries - both public and private
Good Posture
Sunday Roasts
Supper Clubs
Game Nights
Friday, November 5, 2010
facebook movie
finally saw the facebook movie - The Social Network. I really enjoyed it and I personally feel that it was made for me and anyone who went to college 2 years before and 2 years after me. We KNOW facebook and this was like a friend telling us the gossipy secrets.
A+ in my book. (plus my future husband was in it, so that didn't hurt either)
photo credit here
A+ in my book. (plus my future husband was in it, so that didn't hurt either)
photo credit here
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
South Beach Diet
I have bad news.
I have to stop eating potatoes :(
I'll be starting the South Beach Diet ... soon.
I'm having a hard time picking a day to give up all of the best things to eat.
I know I'll still be able to eat SOME yummy things but I think the biggest thing I'm afraid of is trying and failing.
So my friends, be prepared for some complaining, some self deprecation and maybe even a little gloating (IF there is success).
I'll try to be as personal as possible but I don't want this to become a diet diary, so I'll still be talking about other things, I promise.
Good night then, I'll be dreaming about potatoes - mashed, fried, baked, scalloped, shredded...
And please feel free to post advice, experience and and words of encouragement. I'm sure I'll need all the help I can get
I have to stop eating potatoes :(
I'll be starting the South Beach Diet ... soon.
I'm having a hard time picking a day to give up all of the best things to eat.
I know I'll still be able to eat SOME yummy things but I think the biggest thing I'm afraid of is trying and failing.
So my friends, be prepared for some complaining, some self deprecation and maybe even a little gloating (IF there is success).
I'll try to be as personal as possible but I don't want this to become a diet diary, so I'll still be talking about other things, I promise.
Good night then, I'll be dreaming about potatoes - mashed, fried, baked, scalloped, shredded...
And please feel free to post advice, experience and and words of encouragement. I'm sure I'll need all the help I can get
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I hope everyone voted today because you should all be taking advantage of this incredibly rare freedom that Americans have.
I hope everyone voted today because you should all be taking advantage of this incredibly rare freedom that Americans have.
How to stay smart after college ... or at least feel like it.
When I got to college, for some strange reason, I felt like I was getting dumber. I had really good grades in high school, I was in the top 10% of my class, I considered myself smart. But once I met all of those new people and their smart brains I began to doubt myself. I couldn't remember trivial facts about history and grammar. And math? Forget it. I was still getting good grades at Quinnipiac, I just felt less smart for some reason.
So, I did something about it. In all reality, I can't tell you that this will really make you smarter but it definitely helped me feel like I was being more proactive about my knowledge power. I signed up for daily emails from the dictonary.com word of the day and the Official SAT question of the day.
Simple as pie, you sign up for the emails and you get brand new knowledge in your inbox every day - and let's be honest - we all check our emails multiple times a day.
Eventually I gave up on the SAT prep questions because 3/4 of the time they would be about math and frankly I didn't care. But, I always answered the grammar and language ones. I still get a dictionary word every day, and if I'm really ambitious I try to use it at some point during the day. (that rarely happens) Sometimes, I recognize the word from a vocabulary lesson in high school and it surges my brain confidence again.
All kidding aside, I think a desire to improve general knowledge after school is a really important thing. As I'm applying to jobs I realize that training will be my best friend in a new work environment, not my knowledge of the industry, or of any subject I studied. So, just as we work to improve ourselves within our job field, wouldn't it make us feel more intelligent and well rounded overall, to learn something new each day? Our self confidence and conversational abilities would definitely surge, that's for sure.
Obviously I'm not tooting my own horn here as I recognize that there's probably a few grammatical errors in this post as well as my others but it's the thought, the desire for more learning that counts right?
So, I did something about it. In all reality, I can't tell you that this will really make you smarter but it definitely helped me feel like I was being more proactive about my knowledge power. I signed up for daily emails from the dictonary.com word of the day and the Official SAT question of the day.
Simple as pie, you sign up for the emails and you get brand new knowledge in your inbox every day - and let's be honest - we all check our emails multiple times a day.
Eventually I gave up on the SAT prep questions because 3/4 of the time they would be about math and frankly I didn't care. But, I always answered the grammar and language ones. I still get a dictionary word every day, and if I'm really ambitious I try to use it at some point during the day. (that rarely happens) Sometimes, I recognize the word from a vocabulary lesson in high school and it surges my brain confidence again.
All kidding aside, I think a desire to improve general knowledge after school is a really important thing. As I'm applying to jobs I realize that training will be my best friend in a new work environment, not my knowledge of the industry, or of any subject I studied. So, just as we work to improve ourselves within our job field, wouldn't it make us feel more intelligent and well rounded overall, to learn something new each day? Our self confidence and conversational abilities would definitely surge, that's for sure.
Obviously I'm not tooting my own horn here as I recognize that there's probably a few grammatical errors in this post as well as my others but it's the thought, the desire for more learning that counts right?
Monday, November 1, 2010
Meghan's Halloween Party
"Thank God the week is done, I feel like a zombie come back to life... back, back to life."
(thanks Usher)
Here are a few pictures from my fabulous cousin Meghan's annual Halloween Party...
(thanks Usher)
Here are a few pictures from my fabulous cousin Meghan's annual Halloween Party...
Sunday, October 31, 2010
trick or treat?

Maybe 12 kids stopped by my house today. Don't they understand that it's Sunday and thus double the hours they could be making bank on candy? It was incredibly disappointing to answer the door 6 times today.
Parents out there, is there any particular reason for the deflated numbers this year?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
time wasting technique #1

Sometimes when I'm bored I surf the web. Not uncommon, especially as a procrastination technique in college. Sometimes though, I run out of ideas for sites to visit, as I'm sure you do. So, here's a new one for you to check out...
I LOVE to check it randomly to see the amazing, luxurious properties that are listed for sale. They have a tremendous number of pictures of each room and I love to day dream about the kind of parties I'd have there.
It's also fun to look up properties that are somewhere near you. Usually it requires a phone call and an appointment to get a look inside some great real estate, but on sothebys you can look around without ever leaving the couch!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
John Mayer
even though I think he's a disgusting human being (believing some rumors to be true - don't screw with Tay sweezy) ...
...this is my favorite song lyric of all time and hopefully give you a little insight to my perspective in life.
"no, it won't all go the way it should
but I know the heart of life is good."
and as a side not, if the rumors are true, then good for Taylor Swift for calling Mr. Mayer out for what he really is.
...this is my favorite song lyric of all time and hopefully give you a little insight to my perspective in life.
"no, it won't all go the way it should
but I know the heart of life is good."
and as a side not, if the rumors are true, then good for Taylor Swift for calling Mr. Mayer out for what he really is.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
what/who I hope to be dreaming about tonight
Monday, October 18, 2010
be kind to your workers
As the old saying goes, "You get more flies with honey." I very much believe this to be true although I sometimes have a difficult time using it with the people who are closest to me. Anyway, to make a long story short because it's late and I'm tired, be nice to the people who work for you.
This does not necessarily mean your underlings at your job, it could mean your child's teacher, the men working on your roof, or the mechanic who fixes your car. Life goes much, much more smoothly when you are gracious and courteous, even if the service you're receiving isn't as kind. What will likely happen is you'll have people who are happy to see, let alone work for you and the job will probably get done more efficiently, and hopefully more thoroughly.
When the men were working on our house during the renovations, my mom always had a pot of coffee and a plate of donuts for them. Necessary? no but they sure appreciated it. I believe this is true regardless of the amount of time the person works for you. A waiter or waitress may be with you anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours, and though he/she may not be the best you've had, it is always better to be nice. I could stray to the side of blackmail here by saying that rudeness will equal spit in your food, but I'll keep it classy and say that the main reason for being nice is just that. How many people do you think have been mean or short tempered with that person today? It may improve their day immensely if you just speak and act kindly and respectfully.
I know from working at the Polling Institute that just a phone attitude could affect my mood for an hour. Maybe I was taking it too personally, but if someone was nasty on the phone I fumed about it until someone was pleasant. Conversely, if I talked to an exceptionally nice person, even if they didn't give a survey, I hung up the phone with a smile and tried to pass the happy attitude on to the next person I spoke with.
Not only is it polite (which you know I love) but it's just plain nice to be kind to people. Pay it forward y'all and with that simple gesture you can be safe in the knowledge that you tried to make the world a better place today :)
This does not necessarily mean your underlings at your job, it could mean your child's teacher, the men working on your roof, or the mechanic who fixes your car. Life goes much, much more smoothly when you are gracious and courteous, even if the service you're receiving isn't as kind. What will likely happen is you'll have people who are happy to see, let alone work for you and the job will probably get done more efficiently, and hopefully more thoroughly.
When the men were working on our house during the renovations, my mom always had a pot of coffee and a plate of donuts for them. Necessary? no but they sure appreciated it. I believe this is true regardless of the amount of time the person works for you. A waiter or waitress may be with you anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours, and though he/she may not be the best you've had, it is always better to be nice. I could stray to the side of blackmail here by saying that rudeness will equal spit in your food, but I'll keep it classy and say that the main reason for being nice is just that. How many people do you think have been mean or short tempered with that person today? It may improve their day immensely if you just speak and act kindly and respectfully.
I know from working at the Polling Institute that just a phone attitude could affect my mood for an hour. Maybe I was taking it too personally, but if someone was nasty on the phone I fumed about it until someone was pleasant. Conversely, if I talked to an exceptionally nice person, even if they didn't give a survey, I hung up the phone with a smile and tried to pass the happy attitude on to the next person I spoke with.
Not only is it polite (which you know I love) but it's just plain nice to be kind to people. Pay it forward y'all and with that simple gesture you can be safe in the knowledge that you tried to make the world a better place today :)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
dear diary
dear diary,
i saw a really cute boy tonight. i've seen him before, we used to go to school together. he's one of the only people around my age that i ever see at church. i like that, especially because he goes even when his parents aren't there. tonight i noticed that we both have 2 younger sisters and a baby brother, we're pretty much in the same boat. they were all really cute together, you could tell they like hanging out with each other. it's really nice to see guys my age with that amount of maturity. not to mention that every one of them had a Giants shirt on. definitely, a winner. but, alas, he doesn't even know i'm interested - plus i'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend. oops!
So, now that you've all gotten an inside glimpse to my immature girliness, I will not tell you who he is even though I'm sure he'll never see this. Unfortunately, if he does end up reading this post, I'm pretty sure he'll know it's about him. (He's pretty smart)
i saw a really cute boy tonight. i've seen him before, we used to go to school together. he's one of the only people around my age that i ever see at church. i like that, especially because he goes even when his parents aren't there. tonight i noticed that we both have 2 younger sisters and a baby brother, we're pretty much in the same boat. they were all really cute together, you could tell they like hanging out with each other. it's really nice to see guys my age with that amount of maturity. not to mention that every one of them had a Giants shirt on. definitely, a winner. but, alas, he doesn't even know i'm interested - plus i'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend. oops!
So, now that you've all gotten an inside glimpse to my immature girliness, I will not tell you who he is even though I'm sure he'll never see this. Unfortunately, if he does end up reading this post, I'm pretty sure he'll know it's about him. (He's pretty smart)
Friday, October 15, 2010
disappointing doctor appointments
Today I had to go to the doctor. Lame, I know, but necessary. I dislike this doctor's office in particular because not only do they weigh me, but they take my blood, and most of the clientele are just plain rude. The rudeness, smelliness and overall outward appearance of most of the patients makes me question if I really need to be there.
I had a 9:30 appointment and I arrived at 9:15. The office opened at 9:00. I wasn't called from the waiting room until 10, and the doctor didn't appear until 10:15. I got back home at 11. This all doesn't seem like a significant amount of time, but as I was sitting there trying not to get a whiff of anyone sitting right next to me (when there were plenty of seats open, I might add) I thought about how difficult it is to fall a half hour behind in your patients when you've only been open for a half hour.
The doctor is a lovely man and he really cares about how I feel physically and mentally, but I would feel a whole lot better about the situation if it didn't take 2 hours for a 15 minute appointment. On top of all of this complaining, I hadn't eaten anything because the blood work required me to be fasting. To be honest, that's probably why I was so angry about the appointment in general.
Oh well, done with my rant... any readers have common experiences?
I had a 9:30 appointment and I arrived at 9:15. The office opened at 9:00. I wasn't called from the waiting room until 10, and the doctor didn't appear until 10:15. I got back home at 11. This all doesn't seem like a significant amount of time, but as I was sitting there trying not to get a whiff of anyone sitting right next to me (when there were plenty of seats open, I might add) I thought about how difficult it is to fall a half hour behind in your patients when you've only been open for a half hour.
The doctor is a lovely man and he really cares about how I feel physically and mentally, but I would feel a whole lot better about the situation if it didn't take 2 hours for a 15 minute appointment. On top of all of this complaining, I hadn't eaten anything because the blood work required me to be fasting. To be honest, that's probably why I was so angry about the appointment in general.
Oh well, done with my rant... any readers have common experiences?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Hello good friends...
My apologies for the lack of earth shattering posts lately. I've been mom-ing instead of blogging, and trying to plan for a super special secret surprise!
It's not just you that I'm lagging on... my correspondence really needs some attention too. I'm sorry pen pals!
My apologies for the lack of earth shattering posts lately. I've been mom-ing instead of blogging, and trying to plan for a super special secret surprise!
It's not just you that I'm lagging on... my correspondence really needs some attention too. I'm sorry pen pals!
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad
Happy 25th Anniversary to my fantastic parents. Eamon and Eileen Kelly are celebrating their quarter century milestone on a 2 week trip through Italy. They're having an amazing time. They were married on Sunday October 13th, 1985. We wish them 50 more years of love and happiness!
ps... sorry this is a day late.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
good luck miners!
also!!! Good Luck to the Chilean miners. I hope they all make it back to their families safely. For the record, my crippling claustrophobia would never allow me to consciously be anywhere near a mine, so the rescue efforts are giving me panic attacks.
how you know the holidays are coming.
This post is because I'm holiday season obsessed and so I notice every holiday reference as soon as fall starts. I'll go back to a few weeks ago, when it all began.
Approximately 3 weeks ago I saw the first holiday commercial of the season. It was for K-Mart layaway.
2 weeks ago my parents started receiving free packages of Christmas cards in the mail, in addition to requests for holiday donations.
Last week on the Today Show, the hosts made a reference to the approach of the season because the Rockefeller Ice Rink was opening for the first time. They also played one of my favorite songs, Skating by the Vince Guaraldi Trio in the background.
Also last week, the dictionary.com Word of the Day I receive in my email was Wassail... as in... Here we come a wassailing among the leaves so green. Here we come a wandering so fair to be seen. Love and Joy come to you and to you your wassail, too...
I'm sure a lot of you are not happy with this post or my "rushing" the holidays, but it makes me smile to think of the good things to come, and I can easily keep up this joy and anticipation for another 2 months.
Approximately 3 weeks ago I saw the first holiday commercial of the season. It was for K-Mart layaway.
2 weeks ago my parents started receiving free packages of Christmas cards in the mail, in addition to requests for holiday donations.
Last week on the Today Show, the hosts made a reference to the approach of the season because the Rockefeller Ice Rink was opening for the first time. They also played one of my favorite songs, Skating by the Vince Guaraldi Trio in the background.
Also last week, the dictionary.com Word of the Day I receive in my email was Wassail... as in... Here we come a wassailing among the leaves so green. Here we come a wandering so fair to be seen. Love and Joy come to you and to you your wassail, too...
I'm sure a lot of you are not happy with this post or my "rushing" the holidays, but it makes me smile to think of the good things to come, and I can easily keep up this joy and anticipation for another 2 months.
Monday, October 11, 2010
In Charge...
My parents left today for an anniversary trip to Italy. They'll be gone for 2 weeks, leaving me in charge of the house and my younger brother and sister. I'm not at all worried (at this point) but I do think it will be a challenge. I lived on my own for about a year and a half but during that time I only had to take care of myself.
This trip is a celebration of multiple things for them. My mom turned 50 in March, they're 25th wedding anniversary is on Wednesday, October 13th, and my dad's birthday is coming up in February. It was really cute to see how excited they were to be going on vacation together. They're going all over Italy starting in Venice and ending in Rome. In between they'll see Florence, Naples, Capri, and Cinque Terre.
I'll have to make myself a schedule of things to do everyday so I make sure I don't miss anything! While they're at school everyday, I'll be babysitting for one family or another and those times are different every day. It's making me anxious just thinking about what to do everyday! I'll calm down though once I have it written out so I can see everything in some kind of order.
Of course I'm jealous of them but I'm so happy for them too, they're really going to have an amazing time - and I can't wait to see the pictures!
This trip is a celebration of multiple things for them. My mom turned 50 in March, they're 25th wedding anniversary is on Wednesday, October 13th, and my dad's birthday is coming up in February. It was really cute to see how excited they were to be going on vacation together. They're going all over Italy starting in Venice and ending in Rome. In between they'll see Florence, Naples, Capri, and Cinque Terre.
I'll have to make myself a schedule of things to do everyday so I make sure I don't miss anything! While they're at school everyday, I'll be babysitting for one family or another and those times are different every day. It's making me anxious just thinking about what to do everyday! I'll calm down though once I have it written out so I can see everything in some kind of order.
Of course I'm jealous of them but I'm so happy for them too, they're really going to have an amazing time - and I can't wait to see the pictures!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Alaska: in a nutshell
This is not going to be my greatest post because I'm tired, but I've committed to this project and I really want to stay on track. So, I'll give you a little run down of my trip to Alaska this summer. It was a graduation gift from my fantastic godmother and I had an AMAZING time. We took a 7 day Holland America cruise northbound from Vancouver and once in Anchorage we did a 4 day land tour in Denali National Park.On the first day of our trip, September 4th, my mom drove us to Newark at 4:30AM for our 5 hour flight to Vancouver. We were so exhausted that day that we didn't do too much. We toured around a little bit but we were in bed by 9. This was the view from our hotel room, right across from the pier, with a flower and herb garden just outside the window.
Day 1 (of the actual cruise) we boarded the ship as early as we could because Why Not? It meant we would be in our rooms quicker and we could explore the ship and try to find our way around. The check in was a well oiled machine and getting through was a breeze - hardly any lines! We were on board the Statendam which is a smaller mid-sized ship that holds about 1,200 passengers. As it was the first cruise ship I was ever on, I was amazed by EVERYthing. This is the fountain in the atrium.
Day 2 - day at sea. We cruised along the coast of Canada on our way up to the first port - Ketchikan. This was the day I first discovered that I was susceptible to seasickness and that my equilibrium was better maintained outside on the deck where I could get fresh air and actually see what was making my insides feel wavy. In my defense, there were quite a few people who felt sick because the water was really rough. This was also the first formal night which I was really excited about. I love any excuse to get dressed up - despite how uncomfortable it usually is. Here's my Aunt Cathy and I in our unintentionally matching formal wear.
Day 3: Ketchikan. I really liked Ketchikan. It was my first glimpse of Alaskan life and though it's a small town, it really doesn't get too much bigger anywhere else in Alaska. We had booked a specialized excursion through Holland America that took us to the Saxman Native Village and then to a Lumberjack Show. I found both of these extremely entertaining in very different ways. The Native American village was a very serious place, all of the people there were very focused on the preservation of their heritage. I learned a lot about what life is like in a tribe and I really enjoyed learning about the Totem Poles. The Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show was pure fun. I really didn't think the boys would be that cute but some of them were pretty good looking. They were funny and did a great job entertaining the audience. As someone from a metropolitan part of the East Coast, tree climbing and axe throwing were foreign but very amusing to watch. I would highly recommend going to see either, or both of these if you're ever in Ketchikan.

Day 4: Juneau. Alaska's capital is nothing like any other state capital, but I did some AMAZING things there. I would have to say it was my favorite day on the trip. In the quest to cross things off my bucket list, as well as fulfill childhood dreams, I went dog sledding. No, no, wait, that's not all... I took a helicopter to a glacier and went dog sledding on 500 year old ice. Unbelievable you say? IIIIIII know! It was really the experience of a lifetime. My aunt didn't want to fly in the helicopter so I went out to the camp with a group of Asian tourists. It was my first helicopter tour and I was so amazed by the views I can honestly say I wasn't scared at all. (It probably helps that I jumped out of a plane 2 months ago) The dogs absolutely LOVE running and you can tell that Alaska Icefield Expeditions really care about the health and well being of their dogs.

When my aunt and I met up again in town we took the Mt. Roberts tramway. It provided some great views but there really wasn't much to do at the top. That night, back on the boat, I participated in a sing-along game show and placed second. In the second round of the competition they dressed me up as Dolly Parton and I had to sing 9 to 5 (which I don't really know) the other guy was dressed up as Elvis and sang Hound Dog. Come On! Who doesn't know the words to Hound Dog?

Day 5: Skagway. This is literally a one road town. It used to be a gold mining base camp- lawless and full of crazy characters. The streets are lined with boardwalks and false front buildings in a variety of bright colors. We decided to take a Ghosts and Good Time Girls tour in the morning and it was delightful! Our tour guide was hysterical and she took her job very seriously involving and amusing our little group the whole time. I loved all of the history I learned from this highly entertaining walk around. Later in the afternoon we went to a musical performance called The Days of '98 Show which was all about Soapy Smith the famous con artist. This show was also very entertaining. The cast was extremely talented and I found myself laughing out loud multiple times throughout the performance. All in all, I think if you do the right things in Skagway it can be a really entertaining place. There was some pretty good shopping there too!

Day 6: Glacier Bay National Park. The sights here were indescribable the pictures I've taken can't even do justice. We were cruising through the area for most of the day so you never had a bad view. However, given the competitive nature of most human beings, it felt like everyone was crammed all the way to the front of the boat. It was pretty chilly out there but down on deck 6 you could grab a chair and a blanket and enjoy the beautiful views. Hearing the ice calve was like thunder but it was hard to pinpoint the spot on the glacier where the piece was falling off until you saw the wave coming up off the ice. We saw hundreds of seals hanging out on the ice and they did not seem at all concerned that there was a giant ship coming though their home.

Day 7: College Fjord. We had amazing views today too. It was very similar to Glacier Bay, but these glaciers were hanging glaciers which means they don't necessarily touch the water at the bottom. It was another great day to be outside and take in the natural wonders but the real highlight of the day was the dinnertime performance by the waitstaff in the dining room.

Day 8: Travel up to Denali National Park. We took an 11 hour bus ride from Seward to Denali National Park on a luxury tour bus. It was a very long trip but there were frequent stops and the bus was pretty comfortable. This was the transfer between the cruise and the land tour part of our vacation. Our guide told us that we were among his luckiest tour group this year because we had such a clear view of Mount McKinley. The mountain is the tallest in the country and is sometimes called Denali which is a Native American word for "The Tall One". We also stopped at Joe Reddington's Iditarod Trail Race Headquarters where I got to see ... Puppies!! They were adorable and so snuggly. The journey up was really enjoyable and so, so beautiful!

Day 9: Tundra Wilderness Tour Denali National Park. The park itself is bigger than the state of Rhode Island! We took a bus tour through the park and got to see some amazing things. It took about 8 hours but it totally did not feel like it. We saw so much wildlife!

Day 4: Juneau. Alaska's capital is nothing like any other state capital, but I did some AMAZING things there. I would have to say it was my favorite day on the trip. In the quest to cross things off my bucket list, as well as fulfill childhood dreams, I went dog sledding. No, no, wait, that's not all... I took a helicopter to a glacier and went dog sledding on 500 year old ice. Unbelievable you say? IIIIIII know! It was really the experience of a lifetime. My aunt didn't want to fly in the helicopter so I went out to the camp with a group of Asian tourists. It was my first helicopter tour and I was so amazed by the views I can honestly say I wasn't scared at all. (It probably helps that I jumped out of a plane 2 months ago) The dogs absolutely LOVE running and you can tell that Alaska Icefield Expeditions really care about the health and well being of their dogs.
When my aunt and I met up again in town we took the Mt. Roberts tramway. It provided some great views but there really wasn't much to do at the top. That night, back on the boat, I participated in a sing-along game show and placed second. In the second round of the competition they dressed me up as Dolly Parton and I had to sing 9 to 5 (which I don't really know) the other guy was dressed up as Elvis and sang Hound Dog. Come On! Who doesn't know the words to Hound Dog?

Day 5: Skagway. This is literally a one road town. It used to be a gold mining base camp- lawless and full of crazy characters. The streets are lined with boardwalks and false front buildings in a variety of bright colors. We decided to take a Ghosts and Good Time Girls tour in the morning and it was delightful! Our tour guide was hysterical and she took her job very seriously involving and amusing our little group the whole time. I loved all of the history I learned from this highly entertaining walk around. Later in the afternoon we went to a musical performance called The Days of '98 Show which was all about Soapy Smith the famous con artist. This show was also very entertaining. The cast was extremely talented and I found myself laughing out loud multiple times throughout the performance. All in all, I think if you do the right things in Skagway it can be a really entertaining place. There was some pretty good shopping there too!
Day 6: Glacier Bay National Park. The sights here were indescribable the pictures I've taken can't even do justice. We were cruising through the area for most of the day so you never had a bad view. However, given the competitive nature of most human beings, it felt like everyone was crammed all the way to the front of the boat. It was pretty chilly out there but down on deck 6 you could grab a chair and a blanket and enjoy the beautiful views. Hearing the ice calve was like thunder but it was hard to pinpoint the spot on the glacier where the piece was falling off until you saw the wave coming up off the ice. We saw hundreds of seals hanging out on the ice and they did not seem at all concerned that there was a giant ship coming though their home.
Day 7: College Fjord. We had amazing views today too. It was very similar to Glacier Bay, but these glaciers were hanging glaciers which means they don't necessarily touch the water at the bottom. It was another great day to be outside and take in the natural wonders but the real highlight of the day was the dinnertime performance by the waitstaff in the dining room.
Day 8: Travel up to Denali National Park. We took an 11 hour bus ride from Seward to Denali National Park on a luxury tour bus. It was a very long trip but there were frequent stops and the bus was pretty comfortable. This was the transfer between the cruise and the land tour part of our vacation. Our guide told us that we were among his luckiest tour group this year because we had such a clear view of Mount McKinley. The mountain is the tallest in the country and is sometimes called Denali which is a Native American word for "The Tall One". We also stopped at Joe Reddington's Iditarod Trail Race Headquarters where I got to see ... Puppies!! They were adorable and so snuggly. The journey up was really enjoyable and so, so beautiful!
Day 9: Tundra Wilderness Tour Denali National Park. The park itself is bigger than the state of Rhode Island! We took a bus tour through the park and got to see some amazing things. It took about 8 hours but it totally did not feel like it. We saw so much wildlife!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Badly Titled Cougartown
This week's Cougartown had me chuckling quite a bit. I won't go over the whole episode but a few of my favorite lines tonight:
- Andy offers to provide protection for the neighborhood by flexing and calling himself "The Cuban Muscle Crisis"
- Jules' new obsession (since Travis left for college) is a neighborhood watch program which she aptly titles "Taking Back the Sac" (as in cul-de-sac).
- When Ellie and Andy are explaining Stan's routine to their nanny they scatter cheerios in his crib because when he gets hungry in the morning he won't cry and wake them up because he's hungry.
- The entire jeans conversation with the girls was hilariously true. Who doesn't have a pair of jeans they can't sit in, or fasten by themselves.
- The neighborhood watch turned into a "wine and spy" - enough said.
- Bobby claims that half shirts look good on guys because "it's like a curtain coming up for a show".
- Best of all, Travis wants his persona at school to be "a quiet bad ass, like Harry Potter". I love Harry Potter but I don't think trying to be like him at a non-magical school is the best goal to aspire to.
i have other pages!
check out my "a little background" page and my "life list" page on the right side of the blog!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
fancy decorating
Today while I was babysitting and Dara was napping I snagged a Pottery Barn Kids magazine off the counter. The cover had adorable children in Halloween costumes so I assumed it was a Holiday Special issue - I was right. As I flipped through the pages of gorgeously decorated homes filled with happy, beautiful families all I could think of was "Wow, when can this be my life?" Then I happened to look up at the TV and caught a teaser for Oprah's episode later this afternoon with Martha Stewart. The connection? Perfection.
What places like Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware and my favorite, Ralph Lauren sell lifestyles, not just products. On the Thanksgiving page of Pottery Barn there's a tablecloth with a "prayer" embroidered around the edges and place card holders shaped like the Mayflower. It was adorable and I immediately wanted to buy one tablecloth and 6 mini-Mayflowers. Then I saw the prices and immediately rejected the idea. The sets make you forget that children's Thanksgiving tables should not be covered in WHITE tablecloths for obvious reasons.
Oprah was in awe of Martha's simple tips today, as was the whole audience (including my mom and I). Martha's home in Maine has a flower room and like 7 wall refrigerators. In the kitchen there were 2 sous chefs, who work for her company, helping her prepare a salad. It looked beautiful in the end but really? 3 people were needed to make that? There was also a flower arranger in the flower room who helped her make a beautiful display by trimming all of the stems before he handed them to her. Again, I ask, Really?
Writing this blog is when it clicked. Pottery Barn, Ralph Lauren and Restoration Hardware catalogs are a lot like what Martha's behind the scenes at home was like. Though they appear to be snapshots of perfect lives where everything is beautiful and runs smoothly and everyone is happy, they're actually staffed by a hundred other people behind the scenes. In order for our lives to be perfect like Christmas morning portrayed in PB kids we'd need 5 sous chefs preparing our glistening feast while we delightedly open neatly wrapped presents with our cute children in their matching pjs while the well-groomed dog sits quietly by the fire. It is such a beautiful image but so unattainable.
My Christmas mornings are perfect and they look nothing like an advertisement. (Maybe for Hefty garbage bags because of the enormous piles or wrapping paper strewn everywhere. 6 people is a lot to buy for.) But, I'm willing to bet that on Christmas morning, as the minutes are ticking by and you're smiling your face off, you're thinking that no moment could be more perfect. You're not thinking "I wish I had stacked the presents a little neater." or "Why can't the kids just sit still?" No, the perfection in our human moments comes from being so incredibly grateful for what we have in those magical moments like Christmas morning.
(But it really would be great to have some sous-chefs to cook the dinner so you could enjoy a few holiday specials on TV with the family.) We can all dream right Martha?
What places like Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware and my favorite, Ralph Lauren sell lifestyles, not just products. On the Thanksgiving page of Pottery Barn there's a tablecloth with a "prayer" embroidered around the edges and place card holders shaped like the Mayflower. It was adorable and I immediately wanted to buy one tablecloth and 6 mini-Mayflowers. Then I saw the prices and immediately rejected the idea. The sets make you forget that children's Thanksgiving tables should not be covered in WHITE tablecloths for obvious reasons.
Oprah was in awe of Martha's simple tips today, as was the whole audience (including my mom and I). Martha's home in Maine has a flower room and like 7 wall refrigerators. In the kitchen there were 2 sous chefs, who work for her company, helping her prepare a salad. It looked beautiful in the end but really? 3 people were needed to make that? There was also a flower arranger in the flower room who helped her make a beautiful display by trimming all of the stems before he handed them to her. Again, I ask, Really?
Writing this blog is when it clicked. Pottery Barn, Ralph Lauren and Restoration Hardware catalogs are a lot like what Martha's behind the scenes at home was like. Though they appear to be snapshots of perfect lives where everything is beautiful and runs smoothly and everyone is happy, they're actually staffed by a hundred other people behind the scenes. In order for our lives to be perfect like Christmas morning portrayed in PB kids we'd need 5 sous chefs preparing our glistening feast while we delightedly open neatly wrapped presents with our cute children in their matching pjs while the well-groomed dog sits quietly by the fire. It is such a beautiful image but so unattainable.
My Christmas mornings are perfect and they look nothing like an advertisement. (Maybe for Hefty garbage bags because of the enormous piles or wrapping paper strewn everywhere. 6 people is a lot to buy for.) But, I'm willing to bet that on Christmas morning, as the minutes are ticking by and you're smiling your face off, you're thinking that no moment could be more perfect. You're not thinking "I wish I had stacked the presents a little neater." or "Why can't the kids just sit still?" No, the perfection in our human moments comes from being so incredibly grateful for what we have in those magical moments like Christmas morning.
(But it really would be great to have some sous-chefs to cook the dinner so you could enjoy a few holiday specials on TV with the family.) We can all dream right Martha?
Monday, October 4, 2010
the buried life
I can't say enough about this show. It makes me laugh, cry, and marvel all within 30 minutes. If you don't catch it, you're making a huge mistake. Monday nights at 10:30 on MTV. I only wish my parents would understand how important it is to me. Essentially, 4 boys are on a journey to cross off all the items on their bucket list. For everything they cross off, they help a stranger cross something off of their own list. Some past successful endeavors have been to deliver a baby, tell a joke on late night, and PLAY BASKETBALL WITH PRESIDENT OBAMA. Along the way they've helped build a skate park memorial in a town in Kansas, reconnect family members, and even helped one girl see her mother's grave across the country.
Tonight the guys were crossing #59 off their list: Ask out the girl of your dreams. One of the boys chose Taylor Swift. So the episode was spent trying to get Duncan into the CMT awards so that he could ask Taylor on a date.
SPOILER ALERT! They get rejected at the front door but find an alternate way in. Duncan makes it all the way to Taylor in her seat (next to REBA!) and gives her his number with a very polite, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you but if you could just text me and let me know if you ever want to go out one day..." She thanks him and puts the note in her dress. We find out at the end of the episode that she texted him back and TAYLOR SWIFT SAID YES. He was genuinely ecstatic it was really cute.
To add a bit of humor to the episode, another of the group, Dave, decided he'd try asking Carrie Underwood out for drinks. He somehow manages to get to her but she's sitting next to her giant hockey playing husband. Dave is kindly shut down and crestfallen says something like, "Well, that really didn't go according to plan. Sorry guys."
My dreams would be fulfilled if I could get on this show and help the guys complete their list while I check off mine. They need a little female touch. The biggest reward of all though, would be the ability to touch and change so many other people's lives. That would be amazing.
Tonight the guys were crossing #59 off their list: Ask out the girl of your dreams. One of the boys chose Taylor Swift. So the episode was spent trying to get Duncan into the CMT awards so that he could ask Taylor on a date.
SPOILER ALERT! They get rejected at the front door but find an alternate way in. Duncan makes it all the way to Taylor in her seat (next to REBA!) and gives her his number with a very polite, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you but if you could just text me and let me know if you ever want to go out one day..." She thanks him and puts the note in her dress. We find out at the end of the episode that she texted him back and TAYLOR SWIFT SAID YES. He was genuinely ecstatic it was really cute.
To add a bit of humor to the episode, another of the group, Dave, decided he'd try asking Carrie Underwood out for drinks. He somehow manages to get to her but she's sitting next to her giant hockey playing husband. Dave is kindly shut down and crestfallen says something like, "Well, that really didn't go according to plan. Sorry guys."
My dreams would be fulfilled if I could get on this show and help the guys complete their list while I check off mine. They need a little female touch. The biggest reward of all though, would be the ability to touch and change so many other people's lives. That would be amazing.
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