a little background...


My name is Erin Bridget Kelly.  I am 22 years old and currently semi-employed as a babysitter.  I have a problem with the last sentence because I'm still trying to understand why everyone (including myself) seems to feel the need to define themselves with their job or occupation.  So, I'll endeavor to re-define myself with other intricacies of my life and my personality.
  • I'm listening to Christmas music while I write this... it's officially fall so it's officially ok.
  • I'm from a big, friendly, loud Irish family and I LOVE it.
  • The Buried Life, a show on MTV basically sums up everything I want to do with my life.  I end up crying at the end of every episode and trying to figure out new and creative ways I could get myself a spot on the show.
  • I'm planning on marrying Justin Timberlake at some point, hopefully sooner rather than later. 
  • I graduated from Quinnipiac University with 2 degrees, a BA in History and Broadcast Journalism.
  • I graduated from Quinnipiac University with approximately $60,000 in loans to be paid back.
  • I LOVE winter, and fall but mostly winter which means....
  • I obviously love holidays... don't even get me started on Christmas.
  • I'm 5'9" with blue eyes, freckles, and brown-ish, red-ish hair.
  • I used to be athletic - not so much anymore- but I'm constantly in a (mostly mental) battle to get back on track.
  • I like food a lot.
  • Reading is one of my favorite things to do.
  • I don't know how I would survive without music - all kinds- except scream-o and smooth jazz.
  • Modern Family is Amazing.
  • I like post-its and markers.
  • I'm obsessed with time so I have 3 clocks in my room and 5 calendars.
  •  My sister is the funniest person in the world.
  • I don't know what I want to do with my life - I'm 22 - that's ok right?
  • I have a Bucket List which I'll post on a separate page.  At the moment it's one of the most important things in my life.

1 comment:

  1. i like the way you wrote your degrees and then that you graduated with debt, like its what you wetnt to qu for. nice parallel structure.
    what might be cool is to start taking up small jobs to try on, and tell ppl what working life is life during a depression for a bright post grad who cant catch a break. you could even get a bit of cacky in there and put in stuff to save with like coupons, how to shop online, how to save doing this... etc.
    what do you think? totally random, but it seems like a cool idea to me, and one a little more impersonal that ppl might like to read, you know what i mean?
    good luck (also i check at least twice a week for new posts to read. just sayin´)
