Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day - 5 Canadians you didn't see at the polls today

Ryan Reynolds
Ryan Reynolds Picture
courtesy IMDB

Ryan Gosling 
Ryan Gosling Picture
 courtesy IMDB

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams Picture
 courtesy IMDB

Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber Picture
 courtesy IMDB 

Anna Paquin
Anna Paquin Picture
  courtesy IMDB 

Side Note:
I'm betting there will be some interesting Thanksgiving dinner conversation at the Jolie Pitt household.  Brad and Angie support the president but Mrs Jane Pitt wrote to her local newspaper to denounce gay marriage and President Obama.  Jon Voight (Jolie's father) is an outspoken supporter of the Republican party.  Oh to be a fly on that wall...  

courtesy Gawker

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hey. I got my new shoes on...

Hi everyone (and no one since I doubt anyone is checking after my year + absence).
I got a new pair of shoes a week or two ago and it's very unusual that I didn't bust them out to wear immediately. There are two reasons for this. One: I wasn't sure how much I liked them. Obviously I couldn't return them after wearing them all day so I debated about keeping them for many days. Two: they're heels and heels hurt. I don't care what anyone says heels are not as comfortable as flats Period. Again, though, I couldn't tell how uncomfortable they'd actually be until I wore them for an extended period of time. Which of course blocks returning.
So, today I bit the bullet and have worn them on part of my commute. Ill probably change into my flats on the train as the 15 minute walk doesn't look so appealing from 4 inches taller.

CONCLUSION: these are not walking shoes. There isn't really a platform or padding in the ball of the foot so they're tough to spend a long time on. They also pinched my baby toes a bit. Definitely cute and I'll be keeping them so... Thanks Loft :)