my life list

Things to Do Before I Die
  1. Make a profound difference in the lives of as many people as possible
  2. Have my own world famous talk show
  3. Have everyone know my name
  4. Go on a hot air balloon ride
  5. Visit the continental 48 via a cross country road trip; cruise to Alaska and fly to Hawaii
  6. Walk the Great Wall of China
  7. Find my perfect guy
  8. Proximity - ??
  9. Have the perfect wedding
  10. Have 2 kids - a boy then a girl
  11. Publish a poem and/or a book
  12. Host Saturday Night Live
  13. Own a Mini Cooper S – red w/ white racing stripes or racing forest green or maybe blue?
  14. Meet royalty, after meeting the President of the US, so I can display my manners
  15. Make a sizeable charitable difference at home and over seas
  16. Find and keep REAL friends
  17. Convey to my family how much they mean to me
  18. Be in 100% physical shape with less than 5% body fat
  19. Weigh 120 pounds for a long time
  20. Surprise strangers in a good way
  21. Be in the credits of a movie
  22. Meet Oprah, Bono, Nelson Mandela, Paula Deen,  
  23. Chris Pine and  Justin Timberlake
  24. Own the black and white house with the red door and big backyard on the corner
  25. Eat in the restaurant in the Eiffel tower
  26. Save someone’s life
  27. Climb a bridge… like the one in Sydney harbor
  28. Go skydiving
  29. Swim with dolphins
  30. Hold a baby tiger
  31. Ride an elephant
  32. Ride a camel
  33. Be able to afford a maid service to clean mommy’s house
  34. Be able to afford a landscaping service for daddy’s yard
  35. Be invited to go dancing in the pouring rain
  36. Learn to ballroom dance
  37. Learn to golf
  38. Learn to play poker
  39. Kiss at the top of the Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, Sydney Harbor Bridge, in the Great Barrier Reef, on my front porch, on an altar, at the Rockefeller Center Tree, under the stars, 
  40. Write a book or article that helps people
  41. Dance my first dance as a wife to Josh Groban’s “When You Say You Love Me”
  42. Dance the father daughter dance to Israel "Iz" Kaʻanoʻi Kamakawiwoʻole’s “Somewhere Over the Rainbow/ What a Wonderful World”
  43. Visit all 7 continents (North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, South America, Australia, Antarctica)
  44. Forgive and forget
  45. Honeymoon in Monaco or Venice
  46. Buy something at auction preferably Christie’s or Sotheby’s
  47. Spend time on all of the oceans (Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, Antarctic)
  48. Waste no time, enjoy all of it
  49. Be serenaded in public
  50. Cook a whole thanksgiving meal myself – including the TURKEY
  51. Fund a wing at a hospital
  52. See the northern lights a.k.a. aurora borealis in Denali National Park
  53. Go luge-ing
  54. Have the courage to punch/slap someone in the face as the need sees fit
  55. Own real estate in a foreign country
  56. Go back to Paris maybe live there for a little while
  57. Tour Ireland maybe live there for a little while
  58. See all of AFI’s 100 greatest movies
  59. Ride a horse bareback on the beach
  60. Visit Half Moon Bay, California
  61. Visit Washington D.C. when the cherry blossoms are in bloom
  62. See a Broadway show front row center
  63. Drive around NYC in a limo, hanging out the sun roof
  64. Bachelorette spy party in Vegas?
  65. Stand on the equator
  66. Watch a meteor shower
  67. Tour museums with a personal guide
  68. Sit in the best seats at the Super Bowl, and the World Series
  69. Build a house
  70. Learn to shoot a gun safely 
  71. Go whale watching 
  72. Learn to defend myself
  73. Learn to Surf
  74. Spend the extra money to sit in great seats at plays and concerts
  75. Eat at Paula Deen’s restaurant
  76. Pull a prank involving 100 lawn gnomes
  77. Spend at least 24 hours straight in a mall (sleepover)
  78. Learn all of the presidents in chronological order
  79. Learn all of the state capitals in alphabetical order
  80. Be able to identify masterpieces of art, music, and literature, and their creators
  81. Be able to converse in a foreign language
  82. Visit the Buddhist monastery in Thailand where they house orphaned tigers (jeff corwin)
  83. Race a horse
  84. Zip line over the rainforest
  85. See the Olympic games live
  86. Go scuba diving
  87. Ride the orient express
  88. Visit an uninhabited island
  89. See the Taj Mahal
  90. Defy gravity
  91. Walk a red carpet
  92. Work a red carpet
  93. Go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans
  94. Go to Carnivale in Brazil
  95. Inspire someone
  96. See the Serengeti from the Oldonyo Laro
  97. Have a garden designed by Tom Stuart-Smith
  98. Watch a concert from backstage/ the wings
  99. Go white water rafting
  100. Crash a wedding
  101. Meet someone who will profoundly and tangibly change my life
  102. Ride on a dog sled
  103. Participate in a big wheel tricycle race 
  104. Go skiing
  105. Go into outer space
  106. Get an audience with the pope
  107. Hit a home run
  108. Take my parents on a vacation
  109. Run with the bulls in Pamplona
  110. Throw my parents a terrific 25th anniversary/50th birthday surprise party
  111. Attend a loud, rowdy, vivacious Baptist gospel ceremony
  112. Get the keys to a city
  113. Go on a bike tour of a city
  114. Be on The Buried Life show
  115. Go to the Kentucky Derby
  116. Have my own action figure
  117. Watch the fireworks for the 4th of July from Hen's Island near Rye, NY
  118. Be on a game show (and win something) 
  119. Learn about boats and sailing
  120. Go on a cruise with college friends before i turn 30
  121. Go on a cruise with the Kitsons, Mitchells, and Kellys
  122. fly a kite
  123. find a buried treasure


  1. no cruise with the cawleys huh? lol great list and i know you can do it!!!

  2. we can make a pact if you want! but I can only put it on the list if the cawley cousins are serious about doing it too! and thank you for the vote of confidence.
