i wanted to write my dream down... you probably don't care but it was a little interesting so whatever ... i also wanted to make a short post in between my longer ones... anyway, here goes.
i was at a hotel with two of my friends from Ireland, Kelly and Ashley. we were attending a lecture seminar about journalism presented by george clooney's dad.
all of a sudden geo cloons ---;) beck!--- shows up!
we chat and laugh like old friends, he likes my wit, i can tell. he wants to be my friend.
THEN in a pause in the seminar, i look to my left and PRINCE HARRY is staring at me, i did a flirty thing with my eyes and look away.
after the journalism thing is over he comes up to me and asks if he can take me on a date tonight.
"Of course!" i say.
i spend the rest of the day on cloud 9 -- the prince LOVES me ! he can't resist me! it's going the be great! we'll be in love and have so much fun! la la la !!
then he leaves the hotel and i go up to my room with my friends and i decide -- you know what? george would LOVE to hang out with me and my friends, let's go find him. so we go up to the top floor, which is not full of penthouse rooms as one would expect. instead, it's full of stations that are separated by curtains, like the recovery room at the hospital or the clinic. there are a lot more celebrities up there too.. all men though i think jim belushi was one.
anyway, geo is on his-- yeah, geo... we were tight remember?-- geo's on his phone but hangs up quickly when ashley, kelly, and i get to his room/stall. we chat for a while and make plans to hang out one day. he laughs at everything i say and it thoroughly charmed by me.
the girls and i head back to our room and i start to get ready for my date !!
i decide to wear my black dress with the new red belt i got, with my leopard print flats (all of these clothes i really do own, the belt is new)
it looks amazing on me in my dream of course but i start to get worried because my hair looks like crap and i have no makeup on - scary!
i wonder if i'm running late and then realize that Harry never gave me a time he was picking me up!! nor did he take my number or give me his!!! OH NO!!!
so i'm racing to get ready and look out the window every couple of minutes to see if i can see him outside- i might lose my chance with the prince if i'm late!!
yeah... i know ...
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