Tuesday, November 16, 2010


sundries: pl.n. Articles too small or numerous to be specified; miscellaneous items. (via answers.com)

Just a few things that have been on my mind lately...
  • I was out shopping today, with Mom, and at The Container Store, I officially decided that in terms of wrapping paper, the cuter, the better. I wanted to buy ALL of it but each roll was $9 and there was only about 12 feet of paper. Adorable stuff though, honestly, if you only have a few small things to wrap I would totally consider it.

  • My teeth were filed today. It didn't exactly hurt, but I definitely don't want to do it again. To make a long story short, I did what the orthodontist told me - wear your retainer at night. This is an interesting instruction because you have to wonder - For how long? 1 year? 2? Well, it's been YEARS more than 4 that I've been doing this. Now, I definitely was not the most conscientious while I was at college but the retainer went in at least once a week. If there was any shifting, it was fixed when I put it in. The problem now is that no matter how many times in a row I do wear it, one missed night results in crooked teeth! So, does this mean that I need to wear a retainer EVERY night for the rest of my life? Sound a little crazy to me... what about you?

  • Gift Ideas: BARNES AND NOBLE!!! If you are totally lost on what to get someone for any holiday, or their birthday this is the place to go. Of course, in my shopping, I visited the store today and I've decided that if you wander around for long enough, you will find something for everyone on your list. Babies, grandparents, teachers - everyone will be taken care of! Just have a little patience and remember you're in the presence of one of the greatest gifts humans ever came up with.
  1. As a side note to Barnes and Noble, if you look at a bookstore like a history buff (like me) does, you will see a much deeper meaning to what's in front of you. No, not the countless history books. The social history is astounding. What's new this week indicates where are attentions are whether it's the latest political theory book, or a new children's book. The increased size of the "supernatural teen romance" section clearly indicates the recent obsession with vampires. You can find what actors are popular, which sports stars are big, and even maps of the way the world is right now. I think that is SO fascinating. (go ahead, laugh)
  2. As another side note to Barnes and Noble, I was there getting a gift, and buying "Are you a Jackie or a Marilyn" by Pamela Keogh for the newly formed book club between the fabulous Becky Smith and myself. She is not a follower of this blog, nor do I believe that she checks it - if this is not true BSmith, you know what to do ;) This book is totally to my taste and I've already finished the first chapter. I'm so excited to delve into it although I pretty much can guess who I am - as I'm sure many of you can... care to put that guess into writing? Comment!

  • My dad writes the best cards :) (and my mom can pick a gift like it's nobody's business) They just gave me a small gift for keeping things under control while they were in Italy and the words in the cards mean just as much as the gift does - even though the gesture is totally unnecessary. (but very much appreciated!)

  • I'm sure many of you who have actually put effort into dieting know this already, but, it is REALLY hard. While we were shopping, we stopped in the food court for lunch. We managed to stay on task but at the salad shop I went to, the lady put a little roll on my tray and I said, "No, you can keep that. I wish I could have it but I can't" Heartbreaking.

  • What's with everyone loving Siberian Huskys lately?? My mom got a catalog from Loft and they're all over it. I've seen them in a few other mags too! I was totally on this trend years ago... right Val Perrault??
So, my dears, if you think of anything random you'd like to add, please feel free to comment away! AND!!! please, if you check this every time I post something on facebook and twitter, just become a follower (in the physical sense of the word) that way you'll be informed personally when I update or write something new. Also, if you do click follow, maybe I'll write something about you!

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